Antithesis 20

Antithesis is a journal of scholarship, creative writing, and the visual arts, based at the University of Melbourne. Since its founding in 1987, it has published the work of such distinguished thinkers and creative practitioners as Terry Eagleton, Gore Vidal, Slavoj Žižek, Michael Farrell, Joanna Bourke, Delia Falconer, Shaun Tan, and Christos Tsiolkas.

In 2009, I was elected president of the editorial committee for Antithesis 20. With my co-editors, I fielded submissions on the theme of fear and selected the contents of the journal. I also edited the final product, wrote the editorial, and spearheaded both the digitisation of back issues and the creation of the first Antithesis website. Click here to visit the current website and see the contents of Antithesis 20.